See below some of Amlogic's most frequently asked question.
See below some of Amlogic's most frequently asked question.


Fuelogic is partnered with an official reseller of total lubricants, the world's 5th international Oil Company. It‘s our aim to determine Total as the chosen brand, to both the Automotive and Commercial industries across the UK, by exhibiting their variety of high quality lubricants.
Along with the introduction of extended service intervals by the vehicle manufacturers and lubricants becoming more engine specific through government regulation regarding emissions, the vehicle service industry has encountered loss in terms of volume and revenue combined with the obligation to hold an ever increasing array of products.
By presenting a highly recognised forecourt brand to the end user, vehicle repairers are able to service vehicles that are under manufacturers warranty. It is important that products not only meet the very latest specifications but also are fully endorsed and approved by the vehicle manufacturers enabling service centres to achieve optimum margins. Use Total lubricants to keep your engine younger, for longer.
Fuelogic is partnered with an official reseller of total lubricants, the world's 5th international Oil Company. It‘s our aim to determine Total as the chosen brand, to both the Automotive and Commercial industries across the UK, by exhibiting their variety of high quality lubricants.
Along with the introduction of extended service intervals by the vehicle manufacturers and lubricants becoming more engine specific through government regulation regarding emissions, the vehicle service industry has encountered loss in terms of volume and revenue combined with the obligation to hold an ever increasing array of products.
By presenting a highly recognised forecourt brand to the end user, vehicle repairers are able to service vehicles that are under manufacturers warranty. It is important that products not only meet the very latest specifications but also are fully endorsed and approved by the vehicle manufacturers enabling service centres to achieve optimum margins. Use Total lubricants to keep your engine younger, for longer.

How we help
Who we've raised awareness for:

What we have done

5k run / walk
Jumper Day

Bake Off
Pyjamas Day

Earth Day
Our priority as a business is to choose greener alternatives and help the world lower emissions.
Some ways in which we are lowering emissions:
- Providing Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil to our clients which is made from100%
renewable waste materials and cuts your CO2e by up to 90%!
- Staff car sharing to work.
- Offering carbon offsetting solutions from clients' fuel purchases.
- Paperless office policy.
We have donated to EARTHDAY.ORG This will go towards helping our global issues.
If you would like to join us by donating, see link:

Comic Relief - Red Nose Day
We raised a £370.50!
Some of the team at Fuelogic Head Office dressed up in red and had an entertaining time with the red noses, followed by a fun photoshoot with our Marketing Department.

Christmas Jumper Day
We raised a £458.50!
All the Fuelogic team wore their Christmas Jumpers to raise awareness and money for Save the Children charity. Guess who is wearing what jumper!

Full Day Bootcamp
From tires to rope we got our sweat on!
Our Fuelogic team got together one weekend to support a local company called Stefit by helping them train our sales, admin, accounts and
marketing team members.
They were challenged with a range of activities from tug of war to tire push finishing off with a final relay course! The team came away from the experience with not only a sense of achievement but also having had a fun day with their team. ​Here's to the next bootcamp!

Wear it Pink - Cancer Research
Cancer Research Wear it Pink and bring in treats!
The whole team joined together to wear pink, bring in some treats
and donate to this great charity.
Thank you everyone!

Sweet and Savoury Home-made Bakes
We raised a whopping £368.50p
Here at Fuelogic last year we raised money for Macmillan Coffee Morning
to raise awareness of cancer. Our wonderful team baked lots of lovely
treats from carrot cake to short bread slices plus everything in-between.
We love raising money for charities and giving something back
Here's to the next event!